Each day of boot camp consists of four mandatory spanking sessions and four mandatory homework assignments. Each spanking session has a different level of intensity, and all have an overall lesson behind them. I'll go into more detail on these later on, but for now they are as follows:
The homework assignments are done by both spouses together without any outside distraction. When a couple does a homework assignment, it's important the couple focus on the intentions behind them, as well as the overall benefit they will have for the marriage. Homework assignments provide a time for communication, thought, and reflection. Examples of homework assignments and an explanation of how to do them will also be covered in detail later on.
The same model is followed on each day of boot camp. There needs to be four mandatory spanking sessions per day, and four homework assignments per day. Any other spankings or punishments are administered for breaking the boot camp rules in addition to the four mandatory spankings.
Throughout the entire duration of boot camp, the husband is completely in charge of everything.