You've successfully completed boot camp! You should be able to breathe a little easier now. It's all over now. It wasn't all that horrible, was it? Boot camp might be a frightening concept to contemplate, and it is undoubtedly a challenging experience to go through, but you made it. The most difficult portion is over. Once again, it is imperative that you spend extravagantly.
Yes, you and your spouse have earned a prize. A MASSIVE reward. Any Domestic Discipline marriage should include rewards, and this situation should be no exception. You and your spouse have just gone through an extremely enduring experience together, so now it's time for you and your spouse to go through something extremely enjoyable as well. You deserve it.
I'm not even referring to a nice meal at a favorite restaurant. Sure, a special night out is nice, but I'm talking about something bigger. Something neither of you has done in a long time, if ever. Take a break. Spend a weekend at a luxurious resort. Visit a spa. Go shopping for the day. SPLURGE.
Is it required to be major? No way. Naturally, the husband decides. But, since boot camp was more challenging than normal, I strongly urge couples to tackle something bigger. Everyday life is full of excuses not to do things like this, and couples rarely have time to “get away,” especially with kids. Boot camp allows you to take a rest. You deserve some enjoyment in your life. Have some fun!
After the dust settles from both boot camp and the ensuing prize, life will resume as normal. The Domestic Discipline boot camp should set the tone for your future marriage. Both couples should feel more at ease in their “roles” within the marriage and family, and both should have a better grasp of how rules and penalties will be enforced going forward.
Boot camp has a rigorous “no tolerance” policy, but that doesn't mean it has to spill over into everyday life. No tolerance during boot camp is meant to force the husband to be a leader and more consistent with the rules - two essential components of any Domestic Discipline marriage. He should be more comfortable in that role at the end of boot camp, and more likely to follow the rules/punishments.
What occurs in boot camp stays in boot camp. The severe spankings and the stringent enforcement of the “no tolerance” rule within boot camp don't have to be part of your everyday lives. That doesn't mean they should be utterly forgotten, discarded, and never heard from again; it means they should carry on with their marriage as usual, while implementing the skills learnt in boot camp into their Domestic Discipline practices. This wasn't all for naught. It's vital to preserve the lessons learnt in boot camp in your regular lives. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.
Marriage is not always easy. Domestic Discipline can also be difficult at times. We can all improve ourselves and our marriages. Even if it is difficult and long, boot camp can help you improve yourself and your marriage. Boot camp is not an easy task. This does not have to be with your spouse. You certainly have a choice, and only you and your husband can decide whether or not to attend boot camp. Don't let me or anybody else talk you into or out of boot camp. Every factor should be discussed to make the best decision for your marriage.
It's difficult to put into words everything that boot camp can do for a Domestic Discipline marriage, but I hope that after reading these articles you will have a better understanding of the benefits boot camp can offer. You now have all of the information you require to participate in boot camp. So I think there is just one question left… Are you prepared to bring your spouse along for the ride to boot camp with you?