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Domestic Discipline Boot Camp The Day Before

Now you have everything you need to launch your own Domestic Discipline boot camp. Now that you're ready, it's time to put your strategy into action.

Before you start boot camp, there are a few things you should do the day before. Couples should know when they plan to do boot camp and should have a block of days set aside for it. That's the first step. Decide on a block of days for you and your spouse to do your personal boot camp.

A couple must take care of or obtain all necessary items for boot camp before the dates are determined. Couples are advised not to leave the house during boot camp, so prepare ahead of time. We covered most of the requirements for boot camp in Article II, but we'll review them here.

Items Needed

It's suggested that you and your partner enjoy a fun, adventurous, and amazing night together the day before boot camp. Of course, the pair decides what it means, but it should be something both couples can enjoy together. Go out and have some fun with each other. You and your husband are about to embark on a very long journey together, so relax and have fun the night before to reduce any anxiety, anxiousness, and tension.

After a romantic evening, the pair should come home and prepare for boot camp. Before going to bed that night, the couple should go through all of the boot camp rules (Chapter III) and discuss any issues they may have. So that expectations are crystal apparent, the pair should discuss everything. It's only fair that both spouses know what to anticipate from the other throughout boot camp. This is the moment for candor and honesty, not for secrets or surprises. Answer all questions concerning future problems, then turn off the lights and have a good night's sleep.

You and your spouse will be in full-fledged boot camp mode for the next two (or more) days when you wake up the next morning.