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Domestic Discipline Boot Camp Homework

Each day of boot camp includes four marital exercises that both partners practice together to strengthen the marriage. These marital tasks are called “homework.” Each homework assignment has a purpose. These activities are meant to help couples see things in their partners that they may have come to overlook or take for granted. Many of these activities will remind you why you married your partner and chose to spend the rest of your life with them.

During boot camp, there are four homework assignments for each day, and it's recommended that couples do at least two days of boot camp. I'll give eight example homework assignments to help a couple get through the first two days of boot camp. For each extra day of boot camp, the husband must come up with four extra homework assignments.

In order to get the most out of these assignments, both couples must work on them together. These homework tasks are examples and don't necessary have to be done between a couple, but I strongly encourage that they be included in any pair's boot camp experience.

Create a "Rules List" for the Household

Create a "Rules List" for the household that includes at least 20 rules and expectations for each member of the family. Each rule should be explained in full, as well as the consequences of breaking it.

Every Domestic Discipline marriage necessitates a set of ground rules. This should be the couple's first homework assignment in boot camp. Experienced couples may already have a set of rules in place, but it is still very beneficial to the marriage to go over them, write them down, discuss them thoroughly, and set very clear expectations within the household moving forward. This rule is a requirement of the boot camp experience. A rules list is essential for any Domestic Discipline marriage, and it is only fair for both spouses to fully understand the consequences of any rule violation. The rules and the consequences for breaking each rule should be handwritten on a piece of paper.

Discuss Why You Want a Domestic Discipline Marriage

Discuss why you want a Domestic Discipline marriage, what the benefits and drawbacks are, why you believe Domestic Discipline is beneficial, and how Domestic Discipline has helped/will help you become a better person/spouse.

There's a reason you and your spouse chose to live in a Domestic Discipline marriage. This exercise requires couples to write down their thoughts on a piece of paper and to discuss their overall feelings about the Domestic Discipline aspect of their relationship with one another. Both spouses should handwrite this exercise on paper, which should be at least one page long and single spaced. A single paragraph will not suffice. There should be more thought put into it than just a sentence or two.

Describe Relationship Improvements

Describe how you believe your relationship could be improved, what you need to work on, and how you intend to do so.

Boot camp is not a place to hide thoughts, feelings, or ideas. This activity requires a couple to examine themselves and their relationship to find weaknesses. A couple can't fix something they didn't recognize as an issue. This practice is meant to help couples identify flaws, discuss them, and come up with solutions. When it comes to this particular activity, both couples must be absolutely honest and put down all of their feelings, thoughts, and ideas, good or negative. Both partners should handwrite this exercise on paper, one page long, single spaced. It's also critical to discuss these flaws with compassion and comprehensive comprehension. Boot camp and the homework tasks inside it are intended to accomplish and strengthen several key things, including improving partner communication.

Reflect on Boot Camp Progress

You should talk about how you're feeling and what you're feeling now that day one of boot camp is nearly over. Which aspects of your boot camp experience do you believe will assist you in being a better spouse? Talk about your overall impressions.

Clearly, this should be the fourth and final homework assignment of day one. During a couple's boot camp experience, they may feel a variety of emotions. Now is the moment to ponder, write, and discuss them with your partner. By the end of day one, you and your partner should be reaping the rewards of boot camp. It's critical to identify and explain the benefits so you both understand why you're doing this. This exercise encourages couples to discover and explore the reasons that make their marriage unique. This exercise should be handwritten on one page, single spaced.

Set Financial Goals

Set at least five financial goals for the household and discuss why they are important for the overall benefit of the family and marriage.

Every marriage and family needs to manage funds. Every marriage and family should live within their means. The financial strain on a marriage/family can lead to countless conflicts, arguments and general discord in the home. Setting five financial goals will help secure the marriage/future. family's These goals can range from saving money at the grocery shop to setting up college savings accounts for the kids. Whatever a couple's financial goals are, setting them early on will help ensure a better, stronger, and more affluent future for everyone.

Confess Past Secrets

Confess something from your past to your spouse that they don't already know about. Doing so will give you a clean conscience, and will build the element of trust within your marriage.

This homework project is simple but tough, especially for seasoned couples. Not because they don't want to confess, but because their spouse already knows everything. Most people assume the confession must be negative. That doesn't have to be the case with this homework. This practice is meant to teach you something new about your partner, positive or negative. I urge couples to share unpleasant confessions so they can talk and work through the issue together, but the confession can be anything. For any marriage, a key step forward is to patch up and get with something from the past that has a heavy emotional weight on the marriage, or the conscious. This exercise does not require handwritten paper. This exercise requires you to face your partner in the eye, confess a previous sin, and devise a plan for moving forward constructively in your marriage.

List Positive Qualities

List ten positive qualities you find in yourself and elaborate on them. Discuss why you like them about yourself and how they benefit your marriage.

Finding something positive to say about oneself is one of the most difficult tasks one can face. That's not right. Many spouses can locate hundreds of great traits in their partner but only five favorable qualities in themselves. This homework project can be challenging for couples, but I believe it's necessary to identify these attributes inside oneself to increase self-esteem. This homework project is meant to help people recognize their strengths and improve confidence and self-esteem. Again, don't be modest, shy, or meek. You offer a lot of great things to your marriage. Write them down, talk about them with your partner, and start feeling better. This exercise should be handwritten on one page, single spaced.

Discuss Childhood Punishments

Have the wife discuss, in detail, how she was punished as a child. This will give the husband a better understanding of how she was raised, and in some cases will be therapeutic for her in coming to terms with emotionally painful experiences from her past.

Finding something positive to say about oneself is one of the most difficult tasks a person can undertake. That's wrong. So many wonderful traits in their spouses, but only five in themselves? However, I believe it's crucial to discover these attributes inside oneself to increase self-esteem. Aims to boost confidence and self-esteem by encouraging individuals to examine and discover their positive attributes. Never be modest, bashful, or meek during this time. It's clear that you're a good addition to your spouse. Write them down, talk about them with your partner, and feel better about yourself! This exercise should be written by hand on a single-spaced sheet.

Final Thoughts on Homework

As I've indicated before, these homework assignments are examples. You don't have to utilize all of these examples in your boot camp, but I highly recommend it. If a husband wants to extend the boot camp experience beyond two days, he must design four additional homework assignments.

Except for the harsh spanking, most homework assignments are done immediately after a necessary boot camp spanking session, and there's a good reason for it. After an obligatory spanking, the wife should sit on a hard surface (like a wooden bar stool) to finish her assignment. Only the hard spanking session is an exception. The heavy spanking session is too intense for the wife to sit on a hard surface and finish homework. To guarantee she doesn't get up from the hard surface during the homework task, a "balancing item" should be carefully placed across her lap. If she is sitting on a hard surface, the “balance item” can be a belt draped lightly over her lap.

The wife sits on this hard surface after a spanking session to finish her assignment to help her cope with the pain in the future. In everyday settings, a spouse may need to leave the house or attend a function where the wife must sit for an extended period of time following a spanking. This portion of boot camp gives the essential means to meet that expectation. That's why she sits on a hard surface after a spanking, and if the balancing item falls, the husband should punish her quickly. This is why it's called boot camp.

Both partners must take all homework assignments seriously and give careful consideration to each one. These homework assignments will help improve your marriage's overall dynamic, develop crucial qualities like trust, communication, and understanding, and help you appreciate your spouse more for who they are and where they came from. Something as important as this should be given a full and complete effort to achieve the best results.