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Spanking in Domestic Discipline Boot Camp

Spanking is the primary punishment in any Domestic Discipline partnership. Spanking is, without a doubt, a big element of boot camp. As stated in Section II, the boot camp experience includes four different intensity levels of spanking. This chapter will cover all four levels. Before I go into them, let me define a spanking.

For the betterment of the marriage/relationship and the family dynamic, a husband spanks his wife's backside and/or sit spot with his hand or an implement. Spanking must be done calmly, rationally, and lovingly. That I cannot stress enough. When spanking the spouse, he MUST be in control. Spanking should only be used to correct a mistake or poor judgment, never out of rage.

However, for the sake of this article, spankings will always be referred to as a punishment in a discipline sense.

It's great that experienced Domestic Discipline couples have a fixed technique of doing spankings that works for their marriage. This information isn't meant to affect how any couple currently spanks. The information below is meant to help new Domestic Discipline couples understand the concept of spanking and how to approach it. Keeping in mind that these are suggestions. Spankings and other punishments should always be administered in a way that benefits the marriage.

Despite this, I am confident in my recommendations for spanking. I am confident in these strategies' ability to change behavior without causing long-term harm to either partner.

Mandatory Spankings

Boot camp requires mild, medium, hard, and severe spankings. Each of these forced spanking sessions has a lesson that the wife should focus on. Each day of boot camp should include one forced spanking session of each intensity level. These are:

Preparation is key before giving any type of spanking, whether at boot camp or otherwise. Spankings should be calm, controlled, and rational. The husband must set the tone and maintain control throughout.

It's recommended that spankings occur in the bedroom to ensure privacy and comfort for both partners. Couples may choose a different location, but privacy is key. Before starting, have a calm discussion about the purpose of the spanking and what lessons are intended to be learned.

Detailed Guidelines for Each Mandatory Spanking

Mild Spanking

For this session, the lesson is “No complaining.” The husband should use a hairbrush or wooden paddle and strike the wife about 15 times, alternating cheeks, with about three-quarters of his strength. His other hand should rest on the small of her back to maintain position.

Medium Spanking

The lesson here is “No kicking the feet up, screaming, or requests to stop.” A medium spanking builds on the mild session but involves more force and preparation, including a “warm-up” phase to prevent bruising. Approximately 20 strikes are followed by a brief two-minute pause for comforting and nerve preparation.

Hard Spanking

The lesson is “Holding still and no reaching the hand back.” This session emphasizes control and introduces multiple stages of strikes and breaks to reinforce the lesson. Approximately 15 strikes are administered during each stage, with pauses in between.

Severe Spanking

The final session teaches “It could always be worse.” This involves a foreign implement not previously used and pushes couples slightly out of their comfort zones. Approximately 10-15 strikes with this implement are given in a controlled, safe manner.

Each session must include time for comforting and emotional support afterward. The focus is on discipline, not harm, and maintaining the integrity of the relationship.